Thursday, December 3, 2009

The biggest NBA trade ever with Kobe/Gasol,T-mac/Yao and Lebron/Wallace?

would the Cavaliers take T-mac and Yao?,or would Houston be fueled up with the Arrival of Kobe and Pau? or will LA be having A new Star with its Co-star? or vice versa? what do you think?

The biggest NBA trade ever with Kobe/Gasol,T-mac/Yao and Lebron/Wallace?football

Lakers get whooped if they allow that, Ben's (although honestly I root for him) career have slipped down since he took the big bait from Chicago. LeBron James is okay, But Wallace is a liability.

T-Mac / Yao could do wonders if traded to the east remember T-Mac alone did wonders for Orlando then how much more a partnership with one of the leagues best centers.

The Kobe and Pau Gasol tandem is a click because of Kobe's go, go, go attitude and Pau's laid back one. They are a good inside outside force to reckon with. Reminds me of Hakeem and Clyde once they got back together with a trade from Portland to Houston.

Good try.

Hope this helps.

The biggest NBA trade ever with Kobe/Gasol,T-mac/Yao and Lebron/Wallace?lakers ,nba teams

that would be amazing
worst question ever impsossible wont ever happen. go back to your little fantasy world
whoever would get kobe/gasol or t-mac/yao might end up getting better.

but the team that will get lebron/wallace will still stay the same because that's like letting go two great players for a great player. wallace is way past his prime.
hahahahaha easy KOBE/GASOL
Is this NBA Live, Fantasy or what? Tradings are over.

Just curious, why didn't you include Amare/Nash, Boozer/Deron, Paul/West, how about KG/Allen or Duncan/Ginobili, Kwame/Navarro.

I don't think of anything right now the upcoming playoffs and NCAA Finals.

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