Thursday, December 3, 2009

NBA Trade maybe could workout?

What do You ppl think?

NBA Trade maybe could workout?tickets

No it wont. The cavs will never do that, the kings would love that but that will never happen. Maybe if you do larry hughes, gibson and varejao for bibby and brad miller, maybe that would happen.

NBA Trade maybe could workout?nba ,nba teams

I think it's an OK trade. Cavs get their point guad and number 2 option, bu they have to give up young talent.
Not a bad bargain for the cavs, getting bibby for an overpayed always injured hughes and a 2nd year second round draft pick. On the other hand boobie gibson is very popular in that club. For the kings the trade makes absolutely no sense. To trade bibby means they are going into rebuilding mode and therefore want young good talent. Boobie is young but not that good yet, and even at his old age the jury is still out on hughes who cant stay healthy and play consistent.

Personally I am a Cavs fan and lebron needs a pg so lets hope this deal works.
Keep dreaming Cav fans

i dont think the kings are willing to trade biby
This trade can make since because Kings can add Larry Hughes who can do good with ron artest and kevin martin because since he was with lebron james he is not showing he was a consistent scoring like he was in the past with the wizards. If Cavs wants to win a ring they cant wait for a young guy to develop into a consistant scorer like he was during the pistons series. Cavs will ge mike bibby who can help them win big games while kings get young player and another scorer
Daniel " boobie"Gibson is promising so dont trade him

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